dave: August 2002 Archives



The website is now generated from a series of data files. This won't have much effect on the overall appearance, but it does allow me to make sweeping changes with a few keystrokes and to automatically update a lot of the site.



I got quite a few updates to the site done over the weekend. As mentioned below, Conor now has his own pages which will grow over time with more pictures. This will be just like Roxanne's page, which was also updated with plenty of new pictures from her birthday party.



Conor and Sanley are safely installed at home now. Conor's fast asleep with mummy, and Roxanne is tucked up in her bed. I'd forgotten how dependent newborns are, as Roxanne is very independent these days.

A New Arrival


Well, he's finally come out. Conor Kieran O'Brien was born this morning in Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital, Hong Kong. He was 3.645 kg and 50cm long at birth (that's 8 lbs and 20" for any non-metric types). Conor's Page has some pictures.

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This page is a archive of recent entries written by dave in August 2002.

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